School tuition fees 2024-2025
Every year the students need to be registered. If you have registered before, it's a simple process for the new school year to re-register with our online-registration.
Registration is for the entire school year. Only in the event of moving or serious health issues can you ask for a tuition restitution.
Registration fee is $50. Tuition is based on one class per week. The school year consists of 10 months (September-June).
Tuition can be paid as follows:
- annually to be paid by September 1
- semi-annual, to be paid by September 1 and January 1
Invoices will be emailed to you.
Payment is possible:
- by check to the office: payable to 't KLokhuis, 160 Hickory Tavern Road, Gillette, NJ 07933, or
- via online banking from your own bank to our account at Bank of America: details will be on the invoice, or
- via a link in the invoice to our payment site which is connected to our accounting system Quickbooks
The amount in the parentheses is meant for those families who will not receive any support from their companies. If your company pays part of the schoolfees,'t Klokhuis expects you to pay the difference.
Per Location
$2.975 ($1.975*) per year per student
$1.487.50 ($987.50*) in two payments per student
*reduced tuition fee if your company
does not reimburse you.
One-to-one lesson in person
1 hour per week during school year (34 weeks)
$4.100 ($3.100*) per year per student
$2.050 ($1.550*) in two payments per student
$125 ($95*) per hour Single private lesson
*reduced tuition fee if your company
does not reimburse you.
Small-scale ONLINE group lessons
(min. 3 students)
(if a group has less than 3 students,
we will look for different solutions)
peuters - 45 minutes
$2.425 ($1.425*) per year per student
$1.212.50 ($712.50*) in two payments per student
kleuters, group 3a/3b & oranges - 60 minutes
$2.600($1.600*) per year per student
$1.300 ($800*) in two payments per student
group 4 and 5, oranges teenagers - 80 minutes
$2.775 ($1.775*) per year per student
$1.387.50 ($887.50*) in two payments per student
group 6, 7 and 8 - 90 minutes
$2.950 ($1.950*) per year per student
$1.475 ($975*) in two payments per student
middelbaar - 105 minutes
$3.000 ($2.000*) per year per student
$1.500 ($1.000*) in two payments per student
*reduced tuition fee if your company
does not reimburse you.
Private ONLINE lessons
1 hour per week during school year (34 weeks)
$3.750 ($2.750*) per year per student
$1.875 ($1.375*) in two payments per student
$115 ($85*) per hour single ONLINE private lesson
*reduced tuition fee if your company
does not reimburse you.
1 hour 15 minutesper week during school year (34 weeks)
$4.000 ($3.000*) per year per student
$2.000 ($1.500*) in two payments per student
*reduced tuition fee if your company
does not reimburse you.