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wereldwijd kwaliteit

Dutch Language Classes in class or online
with Dutch and Belgian Culture  NOB  ocw


New students

New parents and students are welcome to come and meet with their teacher, assistants, students and to review our teaching materials. Formal registration takes place through our online registration system via the school website.

First parents have a conference (call, skype or in person) with the director before the official registration. If possible, we would like to receive the student's reportcard from the last school attended. In the absence of any previous report, the director will make an initial assessment which group to register for. 

The school may test new students to determine which group fits the level best. As a result, we try to make level of each group as homogeneous as possible. It may happen that students of different ages are in the same group.

Monitoring the development of students

The progress of each student is monitored through tests and observations. The school uses independent standarized test (CITO, DIAtaal) to grade students at their level of development in language skills and reading. All information will be stored in a student registration system which will teacher give the opportunity to differ in class if necessary.

A file is maintained for each student in the student registration system. The file consists of:
- personal and medical data,
- results of tests and observations,
- action plans,
- reports from parent and teacher meetings.

Contact with parents over the progress of their children is maintained in the following manner:
- Two times a year (January and June), parents receive a written report which provides a comprehensive overview of the student and their development;
- In November parents are invited for a 10-minute parent-teacher conference. At the time of reportcards parents or teacher can ask for a meeting to discuss their child's development in a 10-minute meeting;

Additionally, any urgent questions can be dealt with by phone or via email contact with the teacher. Preferably not before or after class.

Extra care for children with special requirements

If it appears that as a result of observations and tests a student needs extra attention, the teacher in consultation with the directors, will develop a specific action plan tailored to the needs of the specific student. Parents are always informed of this and with their permission this plan will be initiated. If necessary, assistance will be sought from the Stichting Dutch Education Abroad (Stichting NOB).

Managing the transition of students to education in the Netherlands

Some time before departure, there will be a conversation between the parents and the teacher. When a student leaves the school, he/she will be presented with their school report to take to their future place of education. This report will include any specific information (such as learning barriers, medical information, specialist care) along with information on the progress of the student.


Groups 3-8 and high school are given homework on a weekly basis. All homework along with any required vocabulary and spelling resources is made available via the website for download. In case of student is absent, parents can easily access homework for the student to prepare for the following class.

Homework is given by 't Klokhuis is based on the following reasons:
- Homework complements the NTC education that is limited in hours;
- It is an important opportunity for students to process information individually and independently from the curriculum;
The homework takes about half an hour to an hour per week to complete.

Extracurricular activities

Each year 't Klokhuis organizes a number of extra-curricular activities. These culture activities are part of the curriculum even though they take place outside the normal teaching hours and mostly in weekends. Flemish Day (September), Sinterklaas (December), King's Day (April) and Vlaggendag (Flagsday - June). Parents are encouraged and invited to help in the running of these events and activities.